Friday, February 25, 2011

Photo Challenge: People

Happy Friday everyone! For a short week, it sure has felt long! Today is another Photo Challenge Friday over at RAZMATAZ and the theme is People. I desperately tried to find a photo I took of a local woman, in traditional dress, but couldn't find it! So I chose the following photo also from Peru. We had just got to Lima and were getting used to the new surroundings. As a group we headed to a pizzeria after being coerced with promises of free beer. Ah, but Peruvian beer...well, not a big prize. :) I took this candid shot as my sister was sampling her small glass of free booze. Just doesn't compare to the local micro brews! (It was two days before their Independence Day, hence the "Te amo..." decorations behind us. Gotta love my startled friend on the right too!)


  1. Looks like yall had a ball!
    Love this photo of the sis, enjoying free booze,whoo hoo!

  2. She looks like she is enjoying it, or is she just being polite?

    Thank you for joining the challenge today.

  3. LOL!! Free beer, you can't say no to that for sure. Your stories of Peru are amazing. You should show us more photos in the future. LYS

  4. That is such a great photo:) Hope you are having a lovely weekend:) Kisses,sweetie


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