Sunday, April 4, 2010

Even the Geese Sang Praises!

What a glorious day it is indeed! And with the sun shining its heart out on my little mountain town. I awoke early this morning, and eager. I dressed, made coffee, quietly, trying not to disturb the slumber of my beloved. I watched the clock closely. My mother was to arrive at 6:45 am! As the second cup of coffee finished filling its cup, I tip-toed back to the bedroom. I left a chocolate bunny in front of the alarm clock, and kissed his shoulder, crept out and hurried into the warm car waiting outside. We were headed to the park by the river. The sky was light, but the sun still not risen, as we joined a group of chilly individuals. In coats and hats and mittens we held dearly to our coffee mugs and loved ones. Oh how I enjoy the Easter Sunrise Service! We sang "Morning Has Broken" with still-waking voices and enjoyed scripture and sermon alike. A church bell rang somewhere else in the city and geese made their joyful noise as they flew over our grouping. After prayers and communion, another song sang, we looked around and enjoyed the the sunbeams setting Lolo Peak alight. As we bid adieu to others, and headed back on the road, the sun pulled its final beams over the mountains to the East and warmed our path. With a smile and wave, my Mom and I parted ways. I have kept myself busy with projects around the house, and am looking forward to joining the sister at my parent's house here soon. It's about time for egg hunts, Easter baskets, turkey dinner and fun! I hope you are all enjoying your holiday!

1 comment:

  1. It was such a lovely service wasn't it? I like our little tradition and I love the fact that they have it beside the river. We had a wonderful time last night, and hope you and your sis did too! Such fun watching you too run around in the dark looking for eggs with flashlites...LOL LYS.


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